In this release of BLOX Elections Stats, we're introducing new export functionality that allows admins to easily export selected election assets as either CSV or BPM files. Additionally, a "Duplicate" tool has been added to streamline runoff election management by enabling quick duplication of existing assets with inherited attributes for seamless consistency.
We’ve introduced a new export functionality in the Elections Stats application, enabling admins to easily export selected election assets. You can now select multiple assets and export them either as a CSV file, which allows for data to be easily managed in spreadsheets or external systems, or as a BPM file, which is compatible with systems that support this format. To use this feature, simply navigate to the Election Stats section in the Admin panel, select the assets you want to export, click the Export button, and choose the desired format (CSV or BPM). (ELECTSTATS-529744)
We’ve introduced a new "Duplicate" tool to streamline the management of runoff elections. This tool allows admins to quickly duplicate an existing election asset, with the duplicated version having “(copy)” appended to the original asset’s title for easy identification. The new asset will default to "Do Not Publish," giving admins control over its visibility, and all relationships and attributes from the original asset will be inherited to ensure consistency and reduce manual effort during runoff races. (ELECTSTATS-529745)
We’ve added a new "Party" field to the Candidate asset type in the Election Stats application. This update allows admins to assign candidates to common political parties, such as Democrat, Green, Independent, Libertarian, and Republican, from a predefined list in alphabetical order. Additionally, admins can manually enter a custom party label if needed, providing flexibility for more diverse party assignments.
Important Note: This improvement is not yet fully supported in templates. We recommend sites continue using the section tag method for associating parties to candidates for the current election cycle. The template change to support this field will be released after the election to avoid interrupting ongoing importing processes. (ELECTSTATS-529736)
This release also makes minor infrastructure changes that should not be noticeable to admin or front-end users.
If you experience any issues or have any questions, please contact customer support at (800) 293-9576 or