Summary: In this release we added three new advertising regions for Google DFP ads. Now all three rail positions have corresponding -asset regions. So fixed-big-ad-top now has a fixed-big-ad-top-asset region. The same applies for middle and bottom. To go along with these new regions we added a new page customization under the advertising heading called Smart Ads. Currently this customization only applies to Google DFP ads and determines whether rail ads will replace in-story ads on mobile devices. The custom property also determines which regions appear on the page. When Smart Ads is set to false all three -asset positions will appear on the page, and on mobile devices the rail ads will stay in their column and wrap under the article. This behaior resembles BLOX Ads. If Smart ads is set to true only the fixed-big-ad-top-asset region will appear in the article, and on mobile devices the three rail ads will slide into the story and the -asset ad will not show up on the page. This setting does not currently affect BLOX Ads at all.

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