Summary: In this release we added three new advertising regions for Google DFP ads. Now all three rail positions have corresponding -asset regions. So fixed-big-ad-top now has a fixed-big-ad-top-asset region. The same applies for middle and bottom. To go along with these new regions we added a new page customization under the advertising heading called Smart Ads. Currently this customization only applies to Google DFP ads and determines whether rail ads will replace in-story ads on mobile devices. The custom property also determines which regions appear on the page. When Smart Ads is set to false all three -asset positions will appear on the page, and on mobile devices the rail ads will stay in their column and wrap under the article. This behaior resembles BLOX Ads. If Smart ads is set to true only the fixed-big-ad-top-asset region will appear in the article, and on mobile devices the three rail ads will slide into the story and the -asset ad will not show up on the page. This setting does not currently affect BLOX Ads at all.
Summary:Â Add Utility: Subscription Services block to a region. If there are subscription services that are not being hidden or disabled, they will appear within this block.Â
Summary: Added advanced search options to the search skin. Users can now filter results by date range, sort the order in which results appear, and specify the number of results per page. By default search will only include results for collections, articles, and videos.
Summary: Business classified ads will now appear under the individual business in the user dashboard. Previously all classifieds were managed under the business users classifieds tab. Classified forms will also now add specific fields depending on the classifieds category.
Summary: Available now is a new fully-featured block template which prominently displays a top story and includes additional headlines listed to the side or below.
The new 'Card: Top story list' block is packed full of optional features for both the top story and the side list of headlines.
Change: Increased flexibility in controlling the available and required fields on a new user account registration screen.
Look for individual settings for multiple user account fields within the customizations tab of a URL assigned to the 'users' application skin (On your site, navigate to the Admin > Settings > URLs). Sixteen different user account data fields can be set to be hidden, available or required.
NOTE: For first and last names, there is a setting within the Comments application that may override the display values assigned within the URL settings. If User Names is set to display real names within Comments, then both first and last name fields will display and be required on the new user account registration screen, disregarding the values set for them in the URL based settings.
The same display rules [hidden/available/required] on the user registration screen will also be enforced on the various Edit profile screens available to the user within the User account Dashboard.
Validation of first and last names will allow entry of names that start with & include alphabetic characters [a-z], and in addition may subsequently include the characters [-'.,].
Optionally, custom fields can be included on the new user account registration screen through the use of the 'opt_userRegisterBottom()' macro - which can be added to your sites components.
Change: Technical change to improve the process of cookie usage and persistence of a user account login.
Change: The commenting application setting user names is supported.
Change: Performance improvements to videos.
Change:Â Ads will no longer appear on enhanced business profiles (1+ priority).Â
Change:Â Searching Power business listings (25+ priority) in Business Directory will display social icon links and "Currently Open" if work hours and social share information are listed in the admin.Â
Change: In the Ad Owl admin under application settings, double click on a child category. There will be an option in the edit category box to select called, "Do not allow this category to be selected for ad orders." By selecting that box, users will no longer have the option to select "No Sub-Category" on the front end. Â
Change:Â Phone number and address fields that contain information will now appear on the front end in Classified ads.Â
Change:Â In the user dashboard under "Edit Profile," the birth date format is now displayed as mm-dd-yyyy.
Issue: Lead paragraphs were sometimes not being displayed in block templates that were setup to display them. Change: The issue occurred when an asset had an inline image dropped into the first paragraph and no Summary description. When this scenario occurs the block will now correctly pull the lead paragraph to display.
Issue/Change: Corrected an issue where screen names with spaces would breaking elements on the page.
Issue/Change:Â All levels of Classifieds (besides Coupon) and Business assets should now show the share icons above and below the asset information.
Issue/Change:Â When a birthday was not set for a user and the user saved their profile, today's date was being set as the birthday. This will no longer occur.Â
Issue/Change:Â The Card: Breaking block was previously showing the title inside the block and above the block. The title will now only be located inside of the block.Â
Issue/Change:Â By relating an event on a business profile that is venue based in the admin, an events tab will appear on the front end in the Business Directory.Â
Issue/Change:Â Stories that were being pulled from syndication that did not come from sites with taboola or outbrain were causing the page to fail. The stories will now use their asset URL to avoid broken behavior.Â
Issue/Change:Â On user accounts that do not have contributed content, the 'My Content' area will now say, "You do not currently have any contributed items." instead of, "You do not currently have any Contributed s."Â
Issue/Change:Â With site settings set to 'Auto mobile nav,' and 2 tiered items in the main-nav and main-nav-right regions, only the main-nav would show drop-downs. Now, both navigation regions will display drop-downs in the mobile browser.Â
Issue/Change:Â Assets with collections listed as sibling assets were not previously displaying. Collections listed as sibling assets will now display on the article asset page.Â